i'm made in hk...
倫敦等轉機時赫然見有間 Ted Baker,睇中件返工 vest 嫌貴冇買,一來去歐洲買件 made in HK 覺得唔知點咁,二來冇理由未到巴黎就咁豪嘛(都成 50+ euro),返港後先知原來海運都有間,仲要減緊價,點知同款同色竟然係 made in China,即係洋人用港貨,港人用國貨?

盒裝維他奶 - made in HK ~~ 罐裝 - made in PRC
公仔蝦肉燒賣 - made in HK ~~ 公仔蝦餃 - made in PRC
金妹牌脆皮芝士腸 160g - made in HK ~~ 454g - made in PRC
唔係歧視國貨(學明哥話齋,五香肉丁一定要係水仙花牌啦),不過呢堆國產香港品牌蒙混過關真係同 made in Italy by Chinese 不遑多樣,politics of passing is an art more than a tactic...
Well, recently there has been a public outcry in N. America against products imported from PRC. People here are pretty outragd by the finding of tainted toothpaste and counterfeit Colgate, both of which contain diethylene glycol, a chemical that's hazardous to health. This is certainly bad news, as some U.S. idiots may trigger a series of protectionist measures against legitimate Chinese products. Having that said, PRC should raise safety and quality standards and strengthen enforcement practices to better protect consumer interest. Afterall, PRC is a member of the WTO now, there are fundamental safety and trade obligations that cannot be ignored....
11:42 AM, July 08, 2007
just a coincidence, i saw 'ichi go ichi e' last noon
and you see more dramas recently!
9:11 PM, July 08, 2007
以前少睇驚撞到你... :P(實情係第一齣陪人睇,第二齣有人陪所以睇)老闆個秘書都係睇三點場,佢睇得仲密,側聞係劇協 exco...
兩年前 NY Times 有篇 'Manufaketure' 引起唔少迴響,作者 Ted Fishman 出版了 China Inc." 詳論中美經貿關係,時至今日競爭白熱化,搞成咁...
10:42 AM, July 10, 2007
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