White Board Sandy 林憶蓮 白板 collection of Sandy Lam promotional "WB" singles

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

dreams come true...

On Justin Chambers as family man...
ET says:
oh my god, even alex looks younger than his age
he was a model for calvin klein and armani
and he was described as the "ultimate family man"??
it's really hard to believe
wbs - what kylie wants, kylie gets... - says:
haha, not surprising...

as said, he's a father of 5 kids
ET says:
oh well.....

look could be very very deceiving
wbs - what kylie wants, kylie gets... - says:
that's very true
ET says:
i think he should be an "ultimate player"
this suits his look more
wbs - what kylie wants, kylie gets... - says:
family man with player look, that's perfect la
ET says:
haha...this can't be true that's no such thing on earth u know??
this could only happen in dreams
wbs - what kylie wants, kylie gets... - says:
but there are many family men with family man look and turn out to be players in real life
ET says:
hahaha that's true too!!
wbs - what kylie wants, kylie gets... - says:
so why can't someone with player look be a family man then~

Any Dream Will Do...
中四一篇大龍鳳 12 年後竟成真,當然天花非亂墜,倒是發現此等場合好少唱自己歌:形象概念鮮明,確實欠缺一首超大路非情歌撐場,不過仲好,每次都帶來驚喜:"You Raise Me Up" 歌名一語道破,冇你就冇我,歌詞言簡意賅,上山下海全賴有你;Secret Garden 兩位成員分別來知愛爾蘭同挪威,當年曾到亞洲巡迴宣傳。此曲自 01 年面世後翻唱者過百,最 hit Josh Groban 03 年紅遍美國,以及 Westlife 05 年回歸衣錦還鄉(林小姐算唔算?),其他靚聲演繹包括 Russell WatsonMichael BallIl Divo 等。
Emax Star Hall, if any, 能否 encore...


Blogger best actor said...

haha, all your teacher's pedantic editorial comments aside, man, you are a freaking prophet! I don't know how could you foresee this to happen, hope you would tell me the numbers of the next lottery ;o) I confess, outside the church,"You Raise Me Up" is also the theme song of VIAGARA....

9:10 AM, July 11, 2007


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