White Board Sandy 林憶蓮 白板 collection of Sandy Lam promotional "WB" singles

Sunday, October 19, 2008


20:25 我的心在跳舞
20:31 一個人
20:34 不還你
20:38 - talk
20:44 夜太黑
20:48 匆匆
20:52 滴汗
20:57 逃離鋼筋森林
21:05 情人的眼淚
21:09 薔薇之戀
21:14 要不要
21:20 日子
21:26 箴言
21:30 為你我受冷風吹
21:34 - talk
21:37 哭
21:42 (<走在大街的女子>獨白)
21:44 走在大街的女子
21:48 - talk
21:50 《Love, Sandy》medley:知難不退、影子情人、不愛的理由、這些那些、傷痕
21:58 當愛已成往事
22:02 至少還有你
22: 07 愛上一個不回家的人
22:13 - 謝幕 - 22:17 - clap clap clap...
22:18 飛翔
22:23 - 感謝主辦/贊助單位
22:31 沒結果
22:36 鏗鏘玫瑰
22:42 - 謝幕 w/ musicians
22:45 I Swear
22:49 - finir


Anonymous Anonymous said...

21:34 - talk
21:37 哭

at first glance, seems like that was a/the time she was supposed to cry. haha.

3:19 PM, October 19, 2008

Blogger best actor said...

so many new arrangements, the "love, sandy" medley is a pleasant surprise. of all her albums, "love, sandy" was most fervently embraced by SG, as if it was their album.

8:14 PM, October 19, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guess is right.
"I swear" is definitely in the rundown...and it's the last.


12:04 AM, October 20, 2008

Blogger Wordy said...


8:19 AM, October 20, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

k: the time she actually cried was <至少還有你>
v: ya, the national album... tho i guess they'd be even more delighted if <聽說愛情回來過> were amongst the list...
s: i'd be happier if 'Get Here' was picked instead...~
f: 有得必有失啦,上海有<better man>同埋<我坐在這裡>;<沒結果>唔知係唔係 Dick Lee 帶挈呢...?

2:15 PM, October 20, 2008


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