White Board Sandy 林憶蓮 白板 collection of Sandy Lam promotional "WB" singles
Sunday, April 26, 2009
匆匆一年,三日之內見兩次,$280 + 426(特別鳴謝兩位總理),錢買唔到第一次跟憶蓮單獨合照 [thxxx to Chris for photo taking and Lawrence & fan club :]好彩小弟平日有練跑,唔使留後唱<寵愛>;本來諗住整餅沿途野餐,唔覺意成為了生日禮物 :)
didn't know you have two pics with SL on the same day! am so jealous. i am glad you could offer your cookies to SL as a birthday gift. so personal and meaningful (even if it all happened naturally). :o)
i'm really lucky to have both tasks (pics & gift) achieved... and glad to know a bunch of fans, it's like we have a common friend for years while meet each other for the first time :>
hope sandy enjoyed your cookies!
1:20 AM, April 27, 2009
Good for you!!!
11:12 PM, April 27, 2009
wbs 同憶蓮一樣,為人較低調...
linus 就唔同,樂於做佢佈景板~
11:27 PM, April 27, 2009
hello nice to meet you~
hope Sandy likes your cookies
11:48 PM, April 27, 2009
didn't know you have two pics with SL on the same day! am so jealous. i am glad you could offer your cookies to SL as a birthday gift. so personal and meaningful (even if it all happened naturally). :o)
7:31 AM, April 28, 2009
i'm really lucky to have both tasks (pics & gift) achieved... and glad to know a bunch of fans, it's like we have a common friend for years while meet each other for the first time :>
10:06 PM, April 28, 2009
for years....
you mean decades!! :o)
10:28 AM, April 29, 2009
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