White Board Sandy 林憶蓮 白板 collection of Sandy Lam promotional "WB" singles

Monday, March 30, 2009


dvd 錄影機 read 唔到碟,檢查加零件接近四位數;加上忙於電影節(雖然今年只係睇 10 場),youtube 久未 update,睇住兩段超短片先:今年主攻法國片以彌補法文學到半桶水(日文四級讀到一半亦開始覺得難...):"Le Plaisir de chanter""Cliente" 都係典型歐陸浪漫,最期待反而係 "Le Crime est notre affaire" 改編 Agatha Christie,滿足小弟尋根究底之執迷... 全線大飲茶,去片:
08 北京演唱會<匆匆>編曲再有變動,原來新加 ad-lib Rick Lau 即係My Queer Valentine,<薔薇之戀>佢亦有份跳茶舞,原來當晚仲有慶功宴同林小姐合照- 講開電影節,發現康文署電影資料館 database 都幾齊全,除 filmography 之外亦有收錄部分主題曲/插曲;可能因為只係睇電視,對《旺角卡門》毫冇印象,反而一直以為係<溫柔的你>


Blogger Wordy said...

"Le Crime est notre affaire" 我睇 Apr 12, 係咪同場?

另,我買了 love of siam director's cut DVD(台版)

5:31 PM, March 31, 2009

Anonymous l said...

小弟 12 號去大會堂睇另一齣呀...


12:28 PM, April 01, 2009

Anonymous KS said...

《神經俠侶》is my favourite, for the brilliant acting and plot. I've DVD which is rare and I watched again for the xth time during the CNY.

1:30 PM, April 01, 2009

Blogger Wordy said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:19 AM, April 02, 2009

Blogger Wordy said...


why u r so obsess with 神經俠侶?

9:22 AM, April 02, 2009

Anonymous KS said...

to wordy:

i don't know. but i just like this film since i first watched it (at home) and that's why i decided to own a dvd copy. ng chun yu, eason nor joey is neither my favourtie actors but their acting in the film is good as i feel.. well, their dialogue there is also very impressive. maybe also because the background is wanchai where i have a special feeling. i love wanchai even more than cwb.

2:33 PM, April 02, 2009


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