White Board Sandy 林憶蓮 白板 collection of Sandy Lam promotional "WB" singles

Saturday, January 13, 2007

sentir la libert?…

連續 8weekdays 學法文,每日 3 個鐘,下星期 test... ah fran?ais... mysterieuse...
歐陸情懷上身,翻看《都市觸覺 Part II》文案,「逃離鋼筋森林是你必然的選擇」,似足旅行社廣告但又不落俗套,周禮茂肯定幫了一把。
最初只係買 cassette,用放大鏡都睇唔到英文潦草寫乜,但已感染到箇中情調;而家睇返黑膠碟雙封套,查實都係有幾隻字估唔到,請填充/指正:

Let's get away from the crowded madness of the city streets where the struggle to keep one's sanity is enough to drive one insane. The mind and the body are constantly abused by the smog, the noises, and the tension. It's time to break loose! Let's stop trying too hard to be sensible and learn to trust our senses again. Let's get in touch with our thoughts and our feelings for a change. Let's take off from the world of choices, decisions and responsibilities and soar into a world of careless(ness)… even it is for just awhile. Let's say _______ to all the silly things we don’t have time for. Let's fall in love…

City Escape's an often needed alternative to having a nervous breakdown. It is a few weeks' leave to Paris, Milan or La Cote d'Azur. But it is also a quiet stroll along the local beach. It is french fries, Coke and gelato. It is a masquerade, a snowball fight, tai-chi, a roller coaster ride. It's crying to a(n) old black and white movie at one moment and laughing at Bugs Bunny at another. It's recapturing the ability to think clearly and _______. It is traditional but it is also very in fashion.



Blogger chi said...

1. Let's say and do all the silly things...

2. ...to think clearly and calmly.

5:54 AM, January 14, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aussi, "IQ博士" est devenu "bugs bunny" et "粵語長片" est traduit a "black and white movies"。
La meme chose peut-etre pour qui doit sentir la liberte﹖Ou simplement perdu en traduction? ;o)
(Bonne chance a ta formation francaise!)

12:59 AM, January 15, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Je pense que la version chinoise peut-etre etait plustot. Mais, ce n'est qu'une idee... :o)

其實都市三部曲都像是travel agency 的廣告﹐傾斜更是十天歐遊團的行程表。唸書的小朋友終日埋首於課本﹐白領於cubicle﹐都市成了一個絕妙的 escapism。

9:03 PM, January 18, 2007


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