l & l & y & m
友人 msn 問 "what's your blog?",我給她 url;友人知道 wbs 的存在,但未必知道 blog 都是 quasi-fan shrine,於是我補充 "it's about Ms Lam, and life",想了想,再補充 "Ms Lam is part of my life anyway~~"

sometimes it's not just "my support of Ms Lam", it's Ms Lam supports me, at least subliminally, towards my love & life & everything...
Ton anniversaire est en mai? c'arrive bientot! Quand, plus exactement, mon ami? ;o)
C'est M. Hui qui a ecrit la parole de L&L&Y&M....il y a 15 ans. wow!
10:16 AM, April 27, 2007
祝十位數字進一...... :D
2:23 AM, May 02, 2007
my oh my c'est aujourd'hui!
bon anniversaire!
10:34 AM, May 02, 2007
Je te souhaite un tr��s bon anniversaire - "tout ira bien"!
2:01 PM, May 02, 2007
- 逢10進1... 就快到你啦~~
- 其實我每次都要查字典先至明... which is good, j'ai le examen le vendredi :P
- 15 ans... so Ms Lam has occupied more than half of my life :)
7:18 PM, May 02, 2007
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