White Board Sandy 林憶蓮 白板 collection of Sandy Lam promotional "WB" singles

Thursday, January 01, 2009

最愛 演唱會

live nation 的世代,08 年睇演唱會次數跟買 cd 差唔多(買復刻版唔計啦)
都係我個年代,新曲雖為新班底,其實亦延續那份集體回憶(歌詞尤甚),淨係有得聽返<夜已變得騷了>同<cucurrucucu paloma>已經值回票價;一個效率迅速出新曲加精選、演唱會 dvd 兼做埋影后,另一位三首新歌仲係不見天日...
今年只睇過一場拉闊(唔鍾意農夫到連楊千嬅都唔睇),同行友伴竟然唔係過去 7 年一齊睇那位;結論係:大家都有更好的選擇
上海、新加坡、北京,聽了三次<鏗鏘玫瑰>(當然仲有<我的心在跳舞>、<愛上一個不回家的人>、<為你我受冷風吹>、<箴言>...)分別跟相識了 20 年、11 年、6 年的朋友一齊第一次去旅行,在三地都探訪了 mba 的舊同學,一個人去睇憶蓮演唱會,拉近了我跟 8 個朋友的距離
上星期朋友們閒談到信唔信 love at first sight,我諗我寧願相信,至少我覺得
首歌唔算天方夜譚;bought an agnes b heart-shaped pin for gift exchange last nite, people were surprised the word 'heart' could be used as a verb. but most of them weren't when 2 hearts are beating together...


Blogger Wordy said...

唔知 SK 之前話隻碟 12 月出,係咪講漏左 2009 年……

你交換禮物咁重手,今年預埋我,哈哈 ~


5:57 PM, January 01, 2009

Blogger best actor said...

no kidding, talking about being a big giver!

when we were exchanging gifts in the office, we were told that it was in the format of tacky secret santa (i.e. look for the tackiest gift that has been bestowed upon you in the past and re-gift it to someone else, no need to spend a dime). notable items include a hideous walrus-shaped cookie jar, a german octoberfest-inspired wood-carved door decoration, an i-heart-you-forever picture frame, and a candle-stand in the shape of a voluptuous lady in bikini...

i wish you love and happiness in 2009 and good luck to your NYR and upcoming endeavours whatever they may be!

(p.s. love at first sight vs lust at first sight, either is highly probable. the question may be: all things being equal, how long can it last? discuss among yourselves.. :o)

9:19 PM, January 01, 2009

Blogger Leo said...





12:59 PM, January 03, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was unpacking my gifts from 2002 few days ago (yes, 2002), and found that someone sent me candies with 3 small metallic boxes as a souvenir from korea... obviously all candies melted and i had to wash them away with hot water so as to keep the boxes...

probably because i'm so getting used to SL live 07, i can't stand SK live cd with ample talking and forgotten lyrics...

btw, the agnes b pin is in fact a best buy, $150 yet stylish~

8:17 PM, January 15, 2009

Blogger Leo said...

probably because i'm so getting used to SL live 07, i can't stand SK live cd with ample talking and forgotten lyrics...



1:27 AM, January 25, 2009


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