A - fyp 那年我們應該還在 rm 4380 用 winamp 播著<至少還有你>,當時肯定冇諗過可以去陌生的城市睇熟悉的憶蓮... 咁就十年,約定出年返香港睇 live '10
C - 沒法解釋的印象,總覺得 4/26 之前一定有見過你,唔知係貝沙灣、九龍灣定係台灣... 剛買了新 dslr,等小弟操練定下次幫你同佢再影過合照
H - 習慣有兩手準備,於是買定多張飛約一個人去睇,可惜佢話唔得閒;點知開場前又竟然撞到佢同另一個人出現於 food court,真係邪到呢... 所以我衷心多謝你候補,因為小弟 live '02、05、07 都試過隔離有吉位
K - 可能係小弟第一個因憶蓮而相識的朋友(唔計 sandyandme,佢算係 celebrity),閒話家常到一個與憶蓮完全無關的地步... 過去一年也認識了很多歌迷朋友,蓮逢知己千首少
S - somehow 小弟做過的幾間公司/部門都冇乜蓮迷,可以同你作為同事/朋友一齊去睇演唱會實在相當榮幸... 如果有一日(唔知好彩定唔好彩)大家變了舊同事,希望都可以一齊去睇啦
仲要多謝朋友的朋友一齊睇,C、E 行蓮迷唔介意小弟紮紮跳,dy & friends 讓我笑吧同埋令我見到憶蓮多一次,同埋所有到訪/留宿 rm 11-045 的蓮迷令我唔使一個人...
7:52 AM, August 23, 2009
等我遲 d 寫番篇《唔出埠拜蓮之理由》
明年銀禧 show,絕對唔介意睇多幾場,有人陪就得,你買飛時單聲,想睇下你有幾紮紮跳
9:42 AM, August 23, 2009
Don't know why we were not seated togehter with Fan Club (we were in different section) but I like every bit of the concert and the 2 sec greetings to you at the front mgate...
10:37 AM, August 23, 2009
to linus: appreciate having known you as a friend and bringing me to the first concert with you!
to vince and franky: linus is really into the every bit of the concert, ga!
We were seating on Row D and it's just been an honour and what I've dreamt of being in between the other big big fans from the fan club on Rows C and E. And I was able to shake hand again with Sandy and it was twice in 1 minute-time.
10:52 AM, August 23, 2009
你間房 (尤其浴室) 好靚,我6點行到周身大汗,差d想打電話問你可唔可以上你房沖涼添。
1:18 PM, August 23, 2009
I come back to Sandy at Rm4380, and you are also one of the motivation... thanks for it! Also thanks for take care of me everytime going to 拜蓮~
9:39 PM, August 23, 2009
Thanks to u, otherwise can't be in 4th row! My pleasure to be with u as colleague/friend :)
Btw, without u and others in our company, it will be totally boring and "xxx".
Deep down (inside), I truly feel the passion and support from SL fans to Sandy!
1:09 AM, August 24, 2009
Always wishing that a "dance party" as the theme of SL concert, and it's almost a wish come true. Really thanks for putting me on the top of your stand-by list.
8:35 AM, August 24, 2009
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