- 搭金光飛航連過關再轉 shuttle 到達威尼斯人預個半鐘,如果真係咁唔好彩只唱個半鐘其實就唔需要留過夜,不過間房真係唔錯
- 根據過往經驗憶蓮演唱會通常睇到熱血沸騰,加上天氣(多數)炎熱,因此有唔少觀眾著背心,不過小弟覺得船上冷氣都幾凍,建議笠多件外套,一冷一熱病倒就唔好
- 傍晚 6 點船 just in time,搭下晝 3 點可以行下大運河(不過冇乜好買,下面呢間明明係 DKNY Man,唔知點解搞成咁),早船 11 點半可以出城買手信(場內間鉅記聽講貴過市面);同一晚走建議早去碼頭邊等邊作賽後檢討(星期日晚普通等要等成兩粒鐘),因為 11 點半後就要等到夜半 1 點鐘先有船喇特別新聞報告完畢...
haha pre-trip, you are such an organized and well prepared soul, I am sure it is gonna be a great show and have a wonderful time :o) you going with your date/friend(s) or solo?
7:26 AM, July 30, 2009
haha, you know me well :)
a bunch of friends are going, but let's hope there'll be you know you're the one~
2:32 PM, July 30, 2009
So funny, DKNY NAN...
Would be disappointed if it only lasts for 1.5 hr...we can definitely catch the 11.30 pm ferry, what if...?
9:02 AM, July 31, 2009
1. 搭金光飛航好容易暈船
2. Venetian D嘢又貴又難食(連MacDonalds都貴過人)
3. 入場時可能會check手袋背囊沒收你D bottled water
11:47 AM, July 31, 2009
雖然 live 07 都係兩個鐘內完事,不過亞太區勁賣廣告叫人飄洋過海睇個半鐘,實唔肯走喎...
i had fat burger in venetian the other day, not that yummy but at least around same price in hk...~
6:58 PM, August 01, 2009
Fat Burger and the pizza place at the food court are probably the safest bets.
1:14 AM, August 02, 2009
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