Eason had sang this song 3 times previously. I think the first time at his mini live was not singing well[so that the live album and VCD/DVD did not include this song but included the 2 songs of other singers(Faye and Candy)]. The second time was he sang this song in Vani's radio programm at Karaoke. Again he did not sing well due to 96 live version was chosen and he was not familiar with this version of arrangement. Don't know how did he sang last night, really want to listen. Unfortunately I will watch the concert tonight and I don't think he will appear again!
12:11 AM, May 10, 2009
12:27 AM, May 10, 2009
Kay x Eason今次表現如何?
2:39 AM, May 10, 2009
1992...never realised the song is so old
2:56 PM, May 10, 2009
Eason had sang this song 3 times previously. I think the first time at his mini live was not singing well[so that the live album and VCD/DVD did not include this song but included the 2 songs of other singers(Faye and Candy)]. The second time was he sang this song in Vani's radio programm at Karaoke. Again he did not sing well due to 96 live version was chosen and he was not familiar with this version of arrangement. Don't know how did he sang last night, really want to listen. Unfortunately I will watch the concert tonight and I don't think he will appear again!
3:31 PM, May 10, 2009
講起真係成十幾年,諗起首 "end of the road",小弟都真係 boy ii man...~
6:00 PM, May 10, 2009
憶蓮的MV比較少配男主角,早期有dancer Marco,《沒結果》有王敏德,《暗示》有鄭浩南,都是類似的野性男,王敏德早在《今夕何夕》已出現過,是不是最襯的一個?
4:00 PM, May 11, 2009
小弟都係諗起個 mv,不過"星星同學會"見到 janet ma 就知道高度唔 work... 個人prefer 鄭浩南,'情路到此'同外景好夾...
5:53 PM, May 11, 2009
6:29 PM, May 11, 2009
10:58 PM, May 13, 2009
hahaha, i was in kay's concert on Sat too. appreciated no 'encore' call
1:15 AM, May 14, 2009
Is good for new singers to sing Sandy's as those new generations can know more about Sandy. However, cannot shout at 從來沒這麼情慾過, is 情慾!!!
2:06 PM, May 17, 2009
Marco 同 Micahel 都係半唐番, 呢方面小弟似乎唔多崇洋...~
5:46 PM, May 24, 2009
ot: what are the names of the two men in 豹小子? imiated their dancing for roman in karaoke last week but didn't recall their faces, let alone names..
1:35 PM, May 25, 2009
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