東昇和我相識於 89 年,中一分班試都被派到 C 班,1A 班大都畢業於直屬小學,B 班有一半同學修讀法文,所以 C 班都算係中堅分子(當然長大後各有修為造化)。東昇同學能言善辯,興趣方面佢同其他同學會研究賽馬(唔係賭),小弟則酷愛音樂(不過合唱團冇揀我);閒時我們會玩 D&D、手網球(窮學生以手代拍)之類。
七年中學生涯我們只有中二唔係同班,佢升到被定性為中文班的 2B 班(因為 A 班同學英文超強,B 班英文相對地冇咁好,美其名就被譽為中文叻),小弟中文唔掂繼續留在 C 班,到中三先至升 'le';我們當年是某學會 exco,搞時事常識問答比賽,小弟會憧憬到中六時佢做會長,我做 internal vice之類(原來由細到大都係鍾意做庶務二課/阿四),可惜呢個學會涉嫌踩界,不知從何渠道請了現任疑似特首候選人梁先生到敝校演講,但並未知會校內高層:做事唔跟 protocol 喎,最終於同年被有關當局取締。此後東昇同學主力做中文學會同辯論隊,小弟則蒲信和並從事民間工作,佢讀中史我修會計,各有各忙但亦會留意對方近況;JUPAS 放榜佢去中大我去港大,畢業後很少聯絡,我到清水灣工作時電視城已逐步撤離至將軍澳,唔計睇電視最近一次見面係前年同學新婚盛宴。不過我仲記得佢早幾日生日(雖然近年冇寄卡),同埋佢以前屋企電話號碼。
印象中東昇同學絕對係謙謙君子,有神聖光環那種(所以適合做呢行);不過最記得反而係佢鍾意玩 15,20,佢贏我多數靠技巧,我贏佢多數靠運氣:生活之中兩者同樣重要(技巧五花八門,讀書游水音樂跑步皆可),我想我是個幸運的人。
20 年前:身邊的人都為我被派到這間中學而慶幸,in fact i still don’t (and won’t) know which is better, being a mediocre student in a band I school or being a top student in a mediocre school… anyway, that’s my own choice
15 年前:《sandy ‘94》面世,跟《鏗鏘玫瑰》一樣,是一個異數,gotta try something new, out of the box, from scratch, making my own choice(s), deterministically...
今年係 Dan Ryan’s 成立 20 周年(free iced tea & tiramisu last nite),原來 CC-ATV 不覺亦已 15 年... 今日剛動筆簽約在清水灣做多兩年,莫失莫忘
nice story telling.
時間都叫我蹉跎 忘了日子怎樣經過~
(at one point 我還以為這是《哭》呢﹗)
band 1 or not band 1, our lives are better left to chance...
6:46 PM, June 04, 2009
HaHa! Somehow my experience was similar to yours when I read your blog [including this one and some previous ones].
I also entered a band 1 secondary school in 89. After the class allocation test, I was allocated to class 1D [class A is the best, class E is the worst and classes B-D are in the middle].
I entered class A in Form 3 marginally. At that time I had thought of requesting to stay in the middle classes [some classmates really did this in the past] as I was afraid that I will be the last position in the final examination in the class. Finally although I was not the last in the class position but it was near. Of course, I cannot stay in the smart class the next year.
10:37 PM, June 04, 2009
ba: story can be factual or fictional... <哭>同<芝加哥的故事>都係經典,1st person 感覺上偏向 factual,其實小弟寫 reported speech 肯定及不上你(或 wordy...)
cas: 咁你叻過我喇,小弟中三都只係去到 B 班,同年 physics 唔合格,之後梗係讀文科啦,不過而家返工都係成日對住班 physicists... so it seems our lives are really left to chance~
7:28 PM, June 08, 2009
somehow I now know which secondary school you went
大學時同一個你地既師弟補習中文、數學,小朋友做堂課,我就睇佢 d 試卷同校刊,東昇同學都算係活躍份子,有很多大作貼堂
2:23 PM, June 12, 2009
6:10 PM, June 12, 2009
btw, 原來《頭條新聞》都成廿年喇...
6:46 PM, June 12, 2009
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