White Board Sandy 林憶蓮 白板 collection of Sandy Lam promotional "WB" singles

Sunday, October 30, 2005

i had a great time...

"i had a great time", 陳奕迅在 Music Plus 最後一張 album... 聽過的歌有六首, 包括"一切還好","冤氣"等...

it's been my first time fully participating on a wedding day. technically i don't have any siblings, so this might be my only chance...

anyway, it's fun and enjoyable, seeing a happy couple~

and i guess not many weddings will have events like a ferry wide, or 舞獅...

ps: if my video was very shaken, that's because i was very touched~~

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


still in office... @_@

看到芝See菇Bi在〈五天精華遊〉提起「中產」(看到轉載而不是聽到,冇可能在那個時段聽收音機...),聯想到中產崛起與都市化的關係。勉強挪用 G.B. Shaw 所指的 middle class morality《回來愛的身邊》,大約便是這個意思...
我諗我唔係中產(如果係,應該已經放工...?),屋企唔知算唔算,亦唔知自己有冇憧憬;不過從〈自製空間〉、〈偷閒〉、到〈不捨不棄〉、〈醒醒〉,未必係苦心經營,但又好似fit到個trend... 如果我年紀大多5-10歲,會唔會更感同身受...?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


7點3醒,8點2起身,9點2返到去... 最近冇乜 job satisfaction,係時候放假做功課...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

re: 林憶蓮,請留言...

☆ 2005-10-13 23:56:33 143.89.188.* ☆ 

Time: 16:30 - 18:00
Venue: 香港中央圖書館 演講廳



☆ 2005-10-13 23:39:22 143.89.188.* ☆

當然,我是沒有想過憶蓮會留言的... 只是想起三年前的劇場《張愛玲,請留言》... anyway, 謝謝你的任何意見~~