White Board Sandy 林憶蓮 白板 collection of Sandy Lam promotional "WB" singles

Sunday, April 26, 2009

匆匆一年,三日之內見兩次,$280 + 426(特別鳴謝兩位總理),錢買唔到第一次跟憶蓮單獨合照 [thxxx to Chris for photo taking and Lawrence & fan club :]好彩小弟平日有練跑,唔使留後唱<寵愛>;本來諗住整餅沿途野餐,唔覺意成為了生日禮物 :)

Monday, April 20, 2009


可能因為電視睇唔到最後兩首歌,竟然夢見林小姐:日本白い顏連全套着物唱<心野夜>,似係 live 05<無情實驗>cross overReady》,基本上呢個造型同首歌唔多夾,不過夢任我愛到需索無窮,有乜唔得呢?
點知 Mercy 一出場就俾無記 cameramen 阻住晒,搞到 dancers 冇路行,第一句入唔到,真係 xXy...
如何甦醒不必懂,今朝冇遲到,忙足成日promise of a better tomorrow...

好耐冇去大潭行山,鶴藪淨係 n 年前做童軍去過,等小弟呢幾日游水跑步操下先...

Monday, April 06, 2009

電影節的硬件配套 [off-topic]

to whom it may concern,

1 - typo
captured from last nite's screening of "Antique"
"inconvencience" should be "inconvenience"

2 - wrong synopsisConstance does not give singing lessons from her home. She takes lessons at the teacher's home.

btw, both films are great...