White Board Sandy 林憶蓮 白板 collection of Sandy Lam promotional "WB" singles

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


似乎唔只我一個想知道許愿回憶錄會否談及 remix albums:畢竟淨係《都市觸覺》都已經有超過十首混音版本,幾乎係有快歌就會有 remix,甚至冇派台都使盡「混」身解數,誠意可嘉;有派台又可分為混音淨上、派完 LP version 再派 remix、或同步派台三款,呢首屬於後者,亦為其 double side 第一次:
94 年自選快歌榜首,今時今日仲係都唔奇:與〈瘋了〉、〈傾斜〉並列演唱會必備三寶,比較有趣的是〈瘋了〉係 encore bye-bye,另外兩首就係百搭,〈一分鐘都市 一分鐘戀愛〉甚至係搭上搭,只出現於 medlies,真係一分鐘起,兩、三分鐘止(《夜色無邊》雖然有成四分鐘,不過本質上都算係 medley 啦...)。
反而因為次次唱半首,更顯呢兩個原裝正版好玩得:Babyface 鐵三角快歌結構緊密絕無欺場,基本 verse A+B+C 以外仲有兩段 verse D(〈天大地大〉都有,〈走火入魔〉反而冇喎),請參閱以下三個版本之比較:

〈一分鐘都市 一分鐘戀愛〉LP version [4'13"]
- intro [9"]/C/A1/B1/C/A2/B2/C/D1/interlude/C/D2/C/C
Sheena Easton 'The Lover In Me' [5'03"]
- intro [27"]/A1/B1/C/A2/B2/C/D1/interlude/talk/B2/C/D2/C/D2/C till fade
〈一分鐘都市 一分鐘戀愛〉Extended Dance Mix/六分鐘版 [6'01"]
- intro [27"]/C/interlude/A1/B1/C/A2/B2/C/D2/C/sax/interlude/talk/D2/C/C/sax
杜自持重新編曲已經同 Easton 版本好唔同,例如 cutintrochorus 打頭陣等;楊振龍小試牛刀,工整地玩 sax/interlude/extension,不過反而少咁段 D1(華星 radio edits 就鍾意玩 interlude 加加減減,如〈醒醒〉-25"〈天大地大〉+7";中間段 'talk about' 將英文歌詞 twist 少少就成了兩種講法;中文歌詞呢,可以將都市/戀愛主題渾然天成,言簡意賅,係先得: 

A1: 都市仿似一個快鐘...
B1: 人學會一分鐘之中找到愛一個...
C: 尋一分鐘的戀愛...
A2: 當天的我四衝...
B2: 全賴你將光陰一分一秒也給我...
D1: 在快速世界 你讓我...
D2: 在快速世界 疾風世界...
talk: now i don't talk about...

《都市觸覺》快歌基本上都係周、林輪流出招(除因葵臨門〈匆匆〉一腳...):〈講多錯多〉+〈三更夜半〉、〈一分鐘都市 一分鐘戀愛〉+〈燒〉、〈推搪〉+〈不不不〉、〈傾斜〉+〈都市 mega mix〉,這個 cityrhythm,全賴你肯花心思去了解...
不得不再提另一靈魂人物:呢首歌係許願第一次以 co-producer 身份出現,thanks for your love, and all the memories...~

Monday, March 26, 2007


結論係由於 Rain 襲港,apologies for inconvenience caused,一切皆為等價交易;未至於唔好睇,有其顛覆與玩味之處(如《東邪西毒》前殺出《重慶森林》),不過係唔係 upper mediocre 都足以開幕先?陳年至嫩口粉絲跨越地域及年齡界限蔚為奇觀,舊年唔覺意見識過《四大天王》倒已習慣了主角扮可愛時一眾如何代入角色同時俾反應...
《吳清源》冇想像中咁多對弈,反而對白字幕交錯第一/三人稱無聲敘述仲難跟;《蟲師》肯定定型過過《どろろ》,先睹為快唔明可以睇返漫畫第一卷;姨媽略嫌講得太明但高手過招焉能錯過;"Les amitiés maléfiques" 唔知有冇自傳成份,不要太明目張膽崇拜... 未睇而較為期待的有 "Anche libero va bene",personal pick 係 "Bobby";今年冇閉幕,反正 Visconti 沒完沒了... 
落雨本該匿埋戲院,不過尋日去 Times Square UA 竟然遇著冷氣機漏水大半場 tick tick tock 令人更期望明年雨季不再來...

ps:因工作關係睇唔到仙姐如何《謀戰 911,有意者請電郵索取免費戲飛乙張...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

closer without you...

i have climbed the highest mountains, run through the fields...
the video of 'Closer' (cameoing Ben Stiller) somehow reminds me of the first time i listened to 'With Or Without You'...
a Wellcome around my neighborhood: there was a while when pop songs were played in supermarkets (not dated back to the Joshua Tree days though), probably airtime bought by Polygram. the place didn't give the right mood, but the sound just immersed.
a few years passed by, and it's Friends' season 3 in 1997, episode #15 where Ross and Rachel take a break. then the "Best of 1980 - 1990" compilation (paradoxically, released in 1998) brought along all the good deals. then 中山美穗 came back with《眠れる森》...
i'm not that much into rock, except one Irish band, then a Scottish one...

hey don't rock the boat, when you can't swim...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

死都唔幫襯(住)- con$umer behavior

呢排成日食麥香雞,$10double-cheese 覺得好貴(加價 25% 喎);雖知如果所有包同價,麥香雞 is amongst my least favorites...
睇中 CWB I.T mannequin D&G '07 S/S 藍色短袖 tee $1800(短袖喎),半價都要諗過先;雖知除了返工著 suit,都冇買過衫要成四位數字...
Pieces of Mind〉英國版 /〈Color of the Moon〉日本版 cd singles,天價,都冇概念幾多 $$ 先至算係合理...
$300 一張 double-sided 白板碟,覺得好抵:之前已高價購入同一張,不過比較殘舊;又再度購入〈千禧願〉$150,物超所值;原有的那張有 stain,一直都想搵過另一張保存得比較好的,呢張好似已經係第三張...


some fans don't like 'Closer' being the first single of "The Boy With No Name". i don't know, i love it. a bittersweet piece...
happened to watch the video of 'Side' on Pearl years ago, bought the CD single at $20. then i bought back all albums and DVDs within these months. great videos, great live band... impulse to fly to UK...
music is like a box of chocolates~

Isaiah 6:9-10 - ears/eyes wide open...

i fell along the path
picked up by a bird
then fell onto a greenhouse
where wild roses grow

so you can't tell i'm a good
or bad seed after all
you just can't tell...