l & l & y & m
友人 msn 問 "what's your blog?",我給她 url;友人知道 wbs 的存在,但未必知道 blog 都是 quasi-fan shrine,於是我補充 "it's about Ms Lam, and life",想了想,再補充 "Ms Lam is part of my life anyway~~"
to a large extent, i'm an egocentric atheist. 信仰風水塔羅八字生肖流年面相紫微星座都唔信;不過與憶蓮同屬金牛座,還是會有點沾沾自喜的~~
sometimes it's not just "my support of Ms Lam", it's Ms Lam supports me, at least subliminally, towards my love & life & everything...